Optimizing Treatment Parameters for Enhanced Hydrocarbon Production by Hydraulic Fracturing

M.M. Rahman, M.K. Rahman, S.S. Rahman

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    23 Citations (Scopus)


    novel scheme is presented in this paper for hydraulic fracturing design, which integrates reservoir properties, operational limitations, fracture growth control requirements, reservoir production behaviour, and investment-return cash flow behaviour in deciding on the optimum values of various treatment parameters. The capability and robustness of the optimization scheme is demonstrated by applications to a tight gas reservoir for which various designs are obtained: maximum NPV design, maximum production design, a target production design, and a compromised design. Optimum designs are found to be different for different objective functions. It is demonstrated that maximization of NPV, or production, involves a high treatment cost, which can be minimized further by solving a combined objective function, but at the expense of some NPV or production. By trade-off analysis between production/NPV and treatment cost, 44% of treatment cost saving is indicated at the expense of only a 12% sacrifice in production/NPV. Various other design issues are investigated by sensitivity analyses.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)38-46
    JournalJournal of Canadian Petroleum Technology
    Volume42, No. 6
    Issue numberJune 2003
    Publication statusPublished - 2003


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