Optimising Black Soldier Fly frass and larvae production on single and blended waste streams

Sofia Katzin, Marit Kragt, Gina Jimenez, Luke Wheat, Sasha Jenkins

Research output: Book/ReportOther book

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This research report was prepared for Rural R&D for Profit project 18-04-007 ‘Closing the loop: Black Soldier Fly technology to convert agricultural waste’. Our project investigates novel strategies for livestock waste management using Black Soldier Flies (BSF). BSF larvae are reared on different waste substrates, including single stream and mixed livestock wastes. The project examines the potential to use the resulting frass and larvae as a fertiliser or soil improver. In this report, we describe the research activities and results for two activities:
1 Optimising frass production on single and blended waste streams (Activity 5.1c)
2 Calculating the growth, yield and survival rate of BSF larvae reared on single and combined waste streams (Activity 5.1d)
As this is an exploratory project, our research does not aim to define an ‘optimal’ waste substrate for BSF frass production. Rather, we study the performance of BSF larvae and quality of the frass produced on different agricultural waste streams.
We describe the methods used in our BSF experiments including the source of substrates. We then presents the results in terms of waste volume reduction and the characteristics of larvae reared on single and combined waste streams. A discussion and conclusion is presented at the end of this report.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationPerth
Commissioning bodyAustralian Pork Limited (APL)
Number of pages28
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2022


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