Optical lattice trapping of hg199 and determination of the magic wavelength for the ultraviolet S01↔P03 clock transition

Lin Yi, S. Mejri, J. J. McFerran, Y. Le Coq, S. Bize

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81 Citations (Scopus)


We report on the Lamb-Dicke spectroscopy of the doubly forbidden (6s2)S01↔(6s6p)P03 transition in Hg199 atoms confined to a vertical 1D optical lattice. With lattice trapping of 103 atoms and a 265.6 nm probe laser linked to the LNE-SYRTE primary frequency reference we have determined the center frequency of the transition for a range of lattice wavelengths and at two lattice trap depths. We find the Stark-free (magic) wavelength to be 362.53(0.21) nm-essential knowledge for future use of this line in a clock with anticipated 10-18 range accuracy. We also present evidence of the laser excitation of a Wannier-Stark ladder of states in a lattice of well depth 10ER.

Original languageEnglish
Article number073005
JournalPhysical Review Letters
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 18 Feb 2011
Externally publishedYes


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