title = "Observation of gravitational waves from a binary black hole merger",
abstract = "On September 14, 2015 at 09:50:45 UTC the two detectors of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory simultaneously observed a transient gravitational-wave signal. The signal sweeps upwards in frequency from 35 to 250 Hz with a peak gravitational-wave strain of 1.0×10-21. It matches the waveform predicted by general relativity for the inspiral and merger of a pair of black holes and the ringdown of the resulting single black hole. The signal was observed with a matched-filter signal-to-noise ratio of 24 and a false alarm rate estimated to be less than 1 event per 203 000 years, equivalent to a significance greater than 5.1σ. The source lies at a luminosity distance of 410-180+160 Mpc corresponding to a redshift z=0.09-0.04+0.03. In the source frame, the initial black hole masses are 36-4+5M⊙ and 29-4+4M⊙, and the final black hole mass is 62-4+4M⊙, with 3.0-0.5+0.5M⊙c2 radiated in gravitational waves. All uncertainties define 90% credible intervals. These observations demonstrate the existence of binary stellar-mass black hole systems. This is the first direct detection of gravitational waves and the first observation of a binary black hole merger.",
author = "{LIGO Scientific Collaboration and Virgo Collaborations} and Abbott, {B. P.} and R. Abbott and Abbott, {T. D.} and Abernathy, {M. R.} and F. Acernese and K. Ackley and C. Adams and T. Adams and P. Addesso and Adhikari, {R. X.} and Adya, {V. B.} and C. Affeldt and M. Agathos and K. Agatsuma and N. Aggarwal and Aguiar, {O. D.} and L. Aiello and A. Ain and P. Ajith and B. Allen and A. Allocca and Altin, {P. A.} and Anderson, {S. B.} and Anderson, {W. G.} and K. Arai and Arain, {M. A.} and Araya, {M. C.} and Arceneaux, {C. C.} and Areeda, {J. S.} and N. Arnaud and Arun, {K. G.} and S. Ascenzi and G. Ashton and M. Ast and Aston, {S. M.} and P. Astone and P. Aufmuth and C. Aulbert and S. Babak and P. Bacon and Bader, {M. K.M.} and Baker, {P. T.} and F. Baldaccini and G. Ballardin and Ballmer, {S. W.} and Barayoga, {J. C.} and Barclay, {S. E.} and Barish, {B. C.} and D. Barker and F. Barone and B. Barr and L. Barsotti and M. Barsuglia and D. Barta and J. Bartlett and Barton, {M. A.} and I. Bartos and R. Bassiri and A. Basti and Batch, {J. C.} and C. Baune and V. Bavigadda and M. Bazzan and B. Behnke and M. Bejger and C. Belczynski and Bell, {A. S.} and Bell, {C. J.} and Berger, {B. K.} and J. Bergman and G. Bergmann and Berry, {C. P.L.} and D. Bersanetti and A. Bertolini and J. Betzwieser and S. Bhagwat and R. Bhandare and Bilenko, {I. A.} and G. Billingsley and J. Birch and R. Birney and O. Birnholtz and S. Biscans and A. Bisht and M. Bitossi and C. Biwer and Bizouard, {M. A.} and Blackburn, {J. K.} and Blair, {C. D.} and Blair, {D. G.} and Blair, {R. M.} and S. Bloemen and O. Bock and Bodiya, {T. P.} and M. Boer and G. Bogaert and C. Bogan and A. Bohe and P. Bojtos and C. Bond and F. Bondu and R. Bonnand and Boom, {B. A.} and R. Bork and V. Boschi and S. Bose and Y. Bouffanais and A. Bozzi and C. Bradaschia and Brady, {P. R.} and Braginsky, {V. B.} and M. Branchesi and Brau, {J. E.} and T. Briant and A. Brillet and M. Brinkmann and V. Brisson and P. Brockill and Brooks, {A. F.} and Brown, {D. A.} and Brown, {D. D.} and Brown, {N. M.} and Buchanan, {C. C.} and A. Buikema and T. Bulik and Bulten, {H. J.} and A. Buonanno and D. Buskulic and C. Buy and Byer, {R. L.} and M. Cabero and L. Cadonati and G. Cagnoli and C. Cahillane and Bustillo, {J. Calder{\'o}n} and T. Callister and E. Calloni and Camp, {J. B.} and Cannon, {K. C.} and J. Cao and Capano, {C. D.} and E. Capocasa and F. Carbognani and S. Caride and Diaz, {J. Casanueva} and C. Casentini and S. Caudill and M. Cavagli{\`a} and F. Cavalier and R. Cavalieri and G. Cella and Cepeda, {C. B.} and Baiardi, {L. Cerboni} and G. Cerretani and E. Cesarini and R. Chakraborty and T. Chalermsongsak and Chamberlin, {S. J.} and M. Chan and S. Chao and P. Charlton and E. Chassande-Mottin and Chen, {H. Y.} and Y. Chen and C. Cheng and A. Chincarini and A. Chiummo and Cho, {H. S.} and M. Cho and Chow, {J. H.} and N. Christensen and Q. Chu and S. Chua and S. Chung and G. Ciani and F. Clara and Clark, {J. A.} and F. Cleva and E. Coccia and Cohadon, {P. F.} and A. Colla and Collette, {C. G.} and L. Cominsky and M. Constancio and A. Conte and L. Conti and D. Cook and Corbitt, {T. R.} and N. Cornish and A. Corsi and S. Cortese and Costa, {C. A.} and Coughlin, {M. W.} and Coughlin, {S. B.} and Coulon, {J. P.} and Countryman, {S. T.} and P. Couvares and Cowan, {E. E.} and Coward, {D. M.} and Cowart, {M. J.} and Coyne, {D. C.} and R. Coyne and K. Craig and Creighton, {J. D.E.} and Creighton, {T. D.} and J. Cripe and Crowder, {S. G.} and Cruise, {A. M.} and A. Cumming and L. Cunningham and E. Cuoco and Canton, {T. Dal} and Danilishin, {S. L.} and S. D'Antonio and K. Danzmann and Darman, {N. S.} and {Da Silva Costa}, {C. F.} and V. Dattilo and I. Dave and Daveloza, {H. P.} and M. Davier and Davies, {G. S.} and Daw, {E. J.} and R. Day and S. De and D. Debra and G. Debreczeni and J. Degallaix and {De Laurentis}, M. and S. Del{\'e}glise and {Del Pozzo}, W. and T. Denker and T. Dent and H. Dereli and V. Dergachev and Derosa, {R. T.} and {De Rosa}, R. and R. Desalvo and S. Dhurandhar and D{\'i}az, {M. C.} and {Di Fiore}, L. and {Di Giovanni}, M. and B. Gendre and Howell, {E. J.} and L. Ju and T. Kaur and {Van Heijningen}, {J. V.} and L. Wen and C. Zhao and Zhu, {X. J.}",
year = "2016",
month = feb,
day = "11",
doi = "10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.061102",
language = "English",
volume = "116",
journal = "Physical Review Letters",
issn = "0031-9007",
publisher = "American Physical Society",
number = "6",