Numerical simulation of damage of low-rise RC frame structures with infilled masonry walls to explosive loads

Hong Hao, C. Wu

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Terrorist bombing attacks on civilian structures could cause catastrophic effectwith loss of lives and properties. Recent published US DoD (United States Department of Defence)anti-terrorist and US DoD Explosive Safety Guidelines give safe stand-off distance for buildingstructure protection. However, the definition of structural damage and structural types andconfigurations in those guidelines is vague. To have a clearer picture of structural damage, it istherefore very important to carry out further studies to define damage severity of various structuresunder different explosion scenarios. As blasting tests are not only very expensive, but also in manycases not possible owing to safety consideration, predictions of structural damage with reliablenumerical means become very important. In this study, numerical analysis of structural responseand damage to surface explosions is carried out. A one-storey and a two-storey masonry infilled RC(reinforced concrete) frame are used as examples. Nonlinear orthotropic material model is employedto model RC frames and a homogenized masonry material model is used for masonry infilled walls.Strain-rate effect on RC material properties is included in the model. The commercial softwareLSDYNA3D (Whirley and Englemann 1991) with user defined material model subroutinesis used to perform the numerical calculations. Structural damage levels corresponding to thevarious stand-off distances are defined from the numerical results. The results are also comparedwith the stand-off distances recommended in the US DoD Anti-Terrorist and Explosive SafetyGuidelines.1
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)13-22
    JournalAustralian Journal of Structural Engineering
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 2006


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