Muslims in Western Australia: settlement, family life and parenting

Eduardo Jose Da Cruz Farate

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

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This research involved the interviewing of 31 self-identified Muslims who settled in Australia by various means. It explores some of the challenges they faced during settlement and the ways these challenges affected them and their families. The research also considers the role of acculturation on their adjustment to family life and expected parenting practices in Australia, some of the child-rearing strategies they use, and where or to whom they turn for help when needed.

Findings suggest that, in spite of their difficult and often dangerous refugee journey and long wait for reunification, settlement experiences for families who arrived in Australia as refugees appear to improve significantly once they are reunited with their families. Settlement experiences for families arriving under other visa categories appear to be less challenging and difficult, as most migrants in this category bring with them skills that are sought in Australia and have the resources and skills that allow them to find employment and housing.

The way in which Muslim families and individuals address challenges associated with settlement is also discussed in relation to the concepts of resilience, acculturation and identity formation. Findings in relation to the role of acculturation and identity formation appear to support the presence of a number of factors that contribute to families’ developing a strong and balanced sense of identity and of belonging to Australia. Muslim families’ parenting styles, values and practices are analysed in terms of the influence of different experiences and factors, such as their cultural and ethnic background and family of origin experiences.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
  • Young, Susan, Supervisor
  • Yasmeen, Samina, Supervisor
  • Harries, Maria, Supervisor
Publication statusUnpublished - 2015


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