Multiple-use management of reservoir water: aoptimal release strategies for irrigation and fish harvesting

Doc Lap Tran

    Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

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    [Truncated abstract] Finding an optimal reservoir water management strategy can be difficult when the reservoir water has multiple potentially conflicting uses. Conflicts of interest can arise when attempts are made to allocate water optimally and to maximize the benefits of its allocation to various uses. In Vietnam, most irrigation reservoirs are predominately managed for rice production, yet additionally have a reservoir fishery that provides food and income to the poor people living around the reservoirs; these fishermen lost their land and were displaced when the reservoirs were built. Managing reservoirs for irrigation, however, creates negative effects for the fisheries and causes conflicts of interest in water use that complicates the reservoir water management. The recent increase in the number of reservoirs in Vietnam has caused conflicts of interest in reservoir water use to become more widespread and prominent. Reducing these conflicts by revising and refining reservoir operation policies is the backdrop to this thesis. This thesis examines the problem of intra-year reservoir management in Vietnam where water use involves two dynamic and competing production systems, irrigation and fisheries, which differ with respect to their needs in the quantity and timing of water release. A stochastic dynamic programming model is developed incorporating two dynamic simulation models, one based on dated water production functions for irrigated agriculture, and the other representing the bioeconomics of a reservoir fishery. The model accounts for variations in rainfall patterns, irrigation requirements and the demand for low water levels to facilitate fish harvest. The model is applied to the Daton reservoir in southern Vietnam as case study...
    Original languageEnglish
    QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
    Publication statusUnpublished - 2012


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