Muffler design by sub-chamber optimization: with application to a mining truck muffler

X. Yu, Yuhui Tong, L. Cheng, Jie Pan

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference presentation/ephemerapeer-review


Reactive and dissipative mufflers are effective means to attenuate low-frequency noise emitted
from vehicle exhaust systems. Conventional muffler design by global optimization has
difficulty in choosing appropriate optimization parameters. In this study, a sub-chamber
muffler design approach by cascading multiple sub-chambers with different transmission loss
(TL) characteristics to achieve an overall broadband noise attenuation is proposed. To
demonstrate its effectiveness, the acoustic performance of mufflers fitted on the mining haul
trucks and their better design is investigated. The existing muffler shows strong sound
attenuation at frequencies from 200 to 300 Hz but fails to work well at other frequencies. To
improve its broadband performance, the muffler’s inner structure is revised by tuning the subchamber
geometric parameters to provide additional TL bands. Through simulated results,
the revised muffler is demonstrated to provide a broader acoustic stop band in the design
frequency range compared with the existing one.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 2016
EventNOVEM 2015: Noise and Vibrations - Emerging Technologies - Dubrovnik, Croatia
Duration: 13 Apr 201515 Apr 2015


ConferenceNOVEM 2015


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