Molecular bases for sensitivity to Acetyl-Coenzyme a carboxylase inhibitors in black-grass

C. Delye, X. Zhang, S. Michel, A. Matejicek, Stephen Powles

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    174 Citations (Scopus)


    In grasses, residues homologous to residues Ile-1,781 and Ile-2,041 in the carboxyl-transferase (CT) domain of the chloroplastic acetyl-coenzyme A (CoA) carboxylase (ACCase) from the grass weed black-grass (Alopecurus myosuroides [Huds.]) are critical determinants for sensitivity to two classes of ACCase inhibitors, aryloxyphenoxypropionates (APPs) and cyclohexanediones. Using natural mutants of black-grass, we demonstrated through a molecular, biological, and biochemical approach that residues Trp-2,027, Asp-2,078, and Gly-2,096 are also involved in sensitivity to ACCase inhibitors. In addition, residues Trp-2 027 and Asp-2,078 are very likely involved in CT activity. Using three-dimensional modeling, we found that the side chains of the five residues are adjacent, located at the surface of the inside of the cavity of the CT active site, in the vicinity of the binding site for APPs. Residues 1,781 and 2,078 are involved in sensitivity to both APPs and cyclohexanediones, whereas residues 21027, 2,041, and 2,096 are involved in sensitivity to API's only. This suggests that the binding sites for these two classes of compounds are overlapping, although distinct. Comparison of three-dimensional models for black-grass wild-type and mutant CTs and for CTs from organisms with contrasted sensitivity to ACCase inhibitors suggested that inhibitors fitting into the cavity of the CT active site of the chloroplastic ACCase from grasses to reach their active sites may be tight. The three-dimensional shape of this cavity is thus likely of high importance for the efficacy of ACCase inhibitors.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)794-806
    JournalPlant Physiology
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 2005


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