Modelling the Individual: Materiality, Identity and Agency

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference paperChapterpeer-review


This paper outlines a theoretical model developed in 2008 as part of an honours thesis supervised by lan Farrington. The model, which is presented as a series of three charts, was developed as a heuristic device for application in exploration of praxis, agency and identity in the archaeological record. The primary aim of this model is to untangle the relationship between actions that are necessary to ensure survival, and actions that represent individual choice (necessity versus choice). Agency theory is contextualised by reviewing archaeological theory and providing a visual representation of how different paradigms are linked (Figure 4.1). The overall structure of the model is presented in Figure 4.3, while Figures 4.2 and 4.4 provide additional detail pertaining to how group identity and leisure can be reflected in material culture. Figure 4.2, the examination of group identity, reviews the central foundational units of identity theory (gender, age, ethnicity, religion and status) and explores how these important concepts connect with the development of personal identity. The main structure of the model is then introduced and discussed (Figure 4.3). By exploring the interconnected nature of these relationships, the elements of material culture reflective of agency and of identity can be isolated. Figure 4.4 examines choice and leisure. Leisure activities are, in general, actions which an individual possesses the most control over. It is proposed that when uncovered in the archaeological record, objects linked to leisure provide the best representation of the identity or agency of the creator or user. It is beyond the scope of this current paper to test this model using a specific case study, instead, general examples are used. This also avoids limiting the applicability of the model. The model presented should be treated as a concept design; testing and further development may be necessary to ascertain the practicality of this model for application to specific case studies.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationYachay Wasi
Subtitle of host publicationThe House of Knowledge of I. S. Farrington
EditorsLisa A. Dunbar, Rebecca Parkes, Christine Gant-Thompson, Damian Tybussek
Place of PublicationOxford
PublisherBAR Publishing
ISBN (Electronic)978407353777
ISBN (Print)9781407315102
Publication statusPublished - 2020

Publication series

NameBar International Series


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