Mineral prospectivity analysis and quantitative resource assessments for regional exploration targeting: development of effective integration models and practical applications

Vladimir Lysytsyn

    Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

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    [Truncated] This thesis discusses various individual tools, methods and approaches which can be useful in an assessment of mineral prospectivity of a region at a scale of tens to hundreds of kilometres, illustrating them by practical applications in Queensland and Victoria. The range of the reviewed approaches include: manual GIS-assisted delineation and ranking of permissive and prospective tracts, knowledge-driven fuzzy logic prospectivity modelling, exploratory spatial data analysis, conceptual mineral system analysis and quantitative mineral resource assessments (using various statistical models of regional mineral endowment).

    A major part of the completed research involved a comparative analysis of orogenic gold mineral systems in the Western Lachlan Orogen (Victoria) and Mossman Orogen (Queensland). Its initial step was to compile, review and validate spatial, petrological and gold grade and ore tonnage data on orogenic gold mineralisation in both regions. Spatial and grade and tonnage information for consistently defined ore fields, representing localscale clusters of genetically similar gold occurrences, is presented in four appendices compiled in Volume 2 of the thesis. This information was extensively used as a major input into subsequent research tasks.

    Exploratory spatial data analysis of gold deposit point patterns revealed important properties of the spatial distribution of orogenic gold mineralisation. In both regions, gold mineralisation is characterised by highly uneven distribution at all scales. At a local scale of hundreds to thousands of metres, gold occurrences are strongly clustered into ore fields. At a broader scale, there are richly endowed linear zones (>100 km long, <20 – 40 km wide), containing a disproportionately large number of randomly or regularly distributed ore fields, surrounded by poorly mineralised areas. Finally, at the regional scale, some parts of each province are significantly enriched in gold compared to others.

    Original languageEnglish
    QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
    • Porwal, Alok, Supervisor
    • McCuaig, Cam, Supervisor
    Publication statusUnpublished - 2015


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