Micro-mechanics modeling of compressive strength and elastic modulus enhancements in unidirectional CFRP with aramid pulp micro/nano-fiber interlays

Hongyong Jiang, Fei Cheng, Yusen Hu, Yi Ji, Xiaozhi Hu, Yiru Ren

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40 Citations (Scopus)


Compressive strength and elastic modulus of unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced polymer (UD-CFRP) have been enhanced experimentally by using soft micro-length Aramid pulp (AP) micro/nano-fiber interlays. This study presents a micro-mechanics model to prove theoretically such enhancements in the compressive strength and elastic modulus of UD-CFRP are possible. The micro-mechanics model recognizes the importance of in-situ formed graded interfacial region between carbon fiber plies generated from the random distribution and out-of-plane movements of micro-length AP micro/nano-fibers. The micro-mechanics model shows that even an areal density of only ~4 g/m2 of AP micro/nano-fibers (with the interlay thickness < 30 μm) is sufficient to generate the enhancements in both compressive strength and elastic modulus along the carbon fiber direction of UD-CFRP. The new micro-buckling or shear failure mechanism has been identified to be responsible for the compressive strength enhancement, instead of local delamination in plain UD-CFRP. The theoretical and experimental findings show interfacial microstructural designs at the carbon fiber ply interface can be critical to the bulk properties of CFRP.

Original languageEnglish
Article number108664
JournalComposites Science and Technology
Publication statusPublished - 12 Apr 2021


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