Meeting Report: Threats to Human Health and Environmental Sustainability in the Pacific Basin

R.G. Arnold, D.O. Carpenter, D. Kirk, D. Koh, M.A. Armour, M. Cebrian, L. Cifuentes, M. Khwaja, B. Ling, I. Makalinao, C. Paz-Y-Mino, G. Peralta, R. Prasad, K. Singh, Peter Sly, C. Tohyama, A. Woodward, B. Zheng, T. Maiden

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

12 Citations (Scopus)


The coastal zone of the Pacific Rim is home for about one-third of the world's population. Disproportionate growth of Far Eastern economies has produced a disproportionate share of related environmental difficulties. As the region searches for acceptable compromises between growth and environmental quality, its influence on global environmental health is certain to increase. Consequences of global environmental change such as habitat alteration, storms, and sea-level rise will be particularly acute among Pacific Rim nations. Adverse health effects from arsenic exposure in Pacific Rim nations have been used to justify drinking water standards in the United States and elsewhere. As global manufacturing in the Pacific Rim increases, the centroid of global air quality and waste management issues will shift further toward Far Eastern nations. The Eleventh International Conference of the Pacific Basin Consortium (PBC) was held in September 2005 in Honolulu, Hawaii. The purpose of the conference was to bring together individuals to discuss regional challenges to sustainable growth. The historic emphasis of the conference on hazardous wastes in relation to human health makes the PBC an ideal forum for discussing technical aspects of sustainable economic growth in the Pacific region. That role is reflected in the 2005 PBC conference themes, which included management of arsenic in potable waters, air quality, climate change, pesticides, mercury, and electronics industry waste-each with emphasis on relationships to human health. Arsenic management exemplifies the manner in which the PBC can focus interdisciplinary discussion in a single technical area. The conference program provided talks on arsenic toxicology, treatment technologies, management of arsenic-bearing residuals from water treatment, and the probable societal costs and benefits of arsenic management.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1770-5
JournalEnvironmental Health Perspectives
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 2007


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