Lithostratigraphic, structural and gold metallogenic evolution of the Mungari gold camp, Western Australia

Nicolas Zuluaga Velasquez

Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis

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Through a multiscale and multidisciplinary approach integrating field geology, petrography, and geochronology, this work presents the first integrated study of gold mineralisation in the Mungari Gold-Camp, and broader Coolgardie-Domain. The stratigraphy of the region was revised and complemented with newly acquired ages to understand its magmatic and metamorphic history. At the deposit scale, a new mineral and structural paragenesis was established for the Rayjax and Cutters Ridge deposits. Similarities in styles of mineralisation and alteration indicate that gold metallogeny in the Mungari-Camp was polyphased and developed over three separate stages punctuating the magmatic and tectonic evolution of the region.
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • The University of Western Australia
  • Thebaud, Nicolas, Supervisor
  • Masurel, Quentin, Supervisor
  • Hagemann, Steffen, Supervisor
Award date27 Nov 2023
Publication statusUnpublished - 2023

Embargo information

  • Embargoed from 28/11/2023 to 01/12/2024. Made publicly available on 01/12/2024.


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