Listening with your eyes: towards a practical visual speech recognition system

Chao Sui

    Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

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    This thesis develops visual speech feature extraction methods using the most advanced computer vision and machine learning techniques. First, a visual and audio-visual speech recognition system, which combines both grey and depth information, is proposed. This system is expected to provide the research community with a new perspective to overcome the limitations of grey-level visual speech features and boost visual and audio-visual speech accuracy. Second, several automatic deep visual feature learning techniques are also introduced. Experimental results show that these proposed techniques outperform the performance of the commonly used handcrafted features.
    Original languageEnglish
    QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
    Awarding Institution
    • The University of Western Australia
    • Bennamoun, Mohammed, Supervisor
    • Togneri, Roberto, Supervisor
    Award date31 Mar 2017
    Publication statusUnpublished - 2016


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