LIGO/Virgo S200219ac : No significant candidates in TAROT - FRAM - GRANDMA observations.

M. Blazek, S. Antier, N. Kochiashvili, C. Stachie, M. Boer, N. Christensen, L. Eymar, S. Karpov, M. Prouza, A. Klotz, M. Masek, K. Noysena, A. Coleiro, D. Corre, M. Coughlin, D. Coward, J.-G. Ducoin, B. Gendre, P. Hello, D. A. KannC. Lachaud, N. Leroy, C. Thoene, D. Turpin, X. Wang, FRAM Collaboration, TAROT Collaboration, GRANDMA Collaboration

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle in specialist publication


We performed tiled observations of LIGO/Virgo S200219ac event with the FRAM-CTA-N, TAROT-Calern (TCA), TAROT-Chili (TCH), TAROT-Reunion (TRE) telescopes. FRAM-CTA-N is located at Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos. TCA is located at Calern site at the Cote d'Azur observatory. TCH is located at La Silla ESO observatory (LaS/ESO). TRE is located at Les Makes astronomical observatory. The following table shows for each telescope: the delay in minutes from the trigger, which filter is used, the field of view of the telescope in degrees and the typical limiting magnitude (AB mag) for a given exposure in seconds (s). +-------------+---------+----------+-------------+------------+ | Telescope | Delay | Filter | f.o.v. | Limiting | | | [min] | | [deg] | Mag. | |-------------+---------+----------+-------------+------------| | FRAM-CTA-N | 799 | R | 0.45 x 0.45 | 17.0 (90s) | | TCA | 512 | Clear | 1.9 x 1.9 | 18.0 (60s) | | TCH | 878 | Clear | 1.9 x 1.9 | 18.0 (60s) | | TRE | 367 | Clear | 4.2 x 4.2 | 17.0 (60s) | +-------------+---------+----------+-------------+------------+ We performed the following joint tiled observations [1] : +-------------+------------+------------+---------+---------+---------+ | Telescope | TStart | TEnd | RA | DEC | Proba | | | [UTC] | [UTC] | [deg] | [deg] | [%] | |-------------+------------+------------+---------+---------+---------| | FRAM-CTA-N | 2020-02-19 | 2020-02-19 | 189.377 | 55.273 |
Original languageEnglish
Specialist publicationGRB Coordinates Network, Circular Service
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2020


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