Legitimising a ‘Zombie idea’: childhood vaccines and autism

Marco Rizzi, Katie Attwell, Virginia Casigliani, Jeannette Taylor, Filippo Quattrone, Pierluigi Lopalco

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


In June 2017 the Italian government made childhood vaccination mandatory following a drop in immunization rates. In the years preceding, two court judgments affirmed a causal link between vaccines and autism. Studies have linked these decisions to internet searches about vaccine-autism, the popularity of 'no-vax' theories, and drops in immunization rates. This paper provides an in-depth case study of both decisions and their impact.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2020
Event16th World Congress on Public Health: Public Health for the Future of Humanity: Analysis, Advocacy and Action - , Virtual
Duration: 12 Oct 202016 Oct 2020


Conference16th World Congress on Public Health
Internet address


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