IoHMT: a probabilistic event-sensitive music analytics framework for low resource internet of humanitarian musical things

Samarjit Roy, Anwesha Mukherjee, Debashis De

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    1 Citation (Scopus)


    The procreative statistical framework of musical note structures produces a crucial role in multimedia music classification and reconstruction strategies. Another significant thing for harmonious music composition is the rhythmic structures that transform musical performances into harmonic forms. Intelligent music computing paradigms try to establish human-machine interaction phenomena for systematic music generations, compositions, and reconstructions. In the emergent internet era, musical composition and reconstruction schema are largely dependent on the IoT-based paradigm where human beings can arrange musical compositions through musical things, such as, remotely arranged singing and musical instruments, smart rhythmic behaviours, and intelligent auto-tuning systems. Although it can possess substantial success, computers yet struggle with comprehending several facets of computational musicology, that are challenging in formal characterization. Moreover, most of the success is achieved for chord-based standardized western music compositions, whereas melodic Indian music is composed through single-note structures. Low resource music computing is in dire need of tools and resources to overcome the resource barrier such that probabilistic and intelligent IoT-based music formations can deliver more widespread benefits. This paper illustrates (a) computational music speculation and associated characteristics to standardize what human beings can assimilate, recall, and reconstruct musical items for sustaining intangible cultural heritage; (b) a stochastic model along with probabilistic context-free music grammar to afford a syntactic outline of musical note arrangements; (c) state transition analysis; (d) Petri net-based complex music composition framework along with the simulation-based reachability and system efficiency for evaluating the effectiveness of event-driven music schema; (e) a systematized case study on low resource Internet of Music Things for humanistic care computing, that we have named as the Internet of Humanitarian Musical Things (IoHMT).
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages24
    JournalInnovations in Systems and Software Engineering
    Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 15 Nov 2022


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