Invited Review: Seed traits inform the germination niche for biodiverse ecological restoration

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18 Citations (Web of Science)


Seeds are a primary source for generating plants for large-scale restoration and understanding the requirements for seed germination and establishment is fundamental to ecological restoration. Seed germination traits are central to defining the germination niche and identifying traits that may limit seedling establishment provides insights into how seeds may interact with the abiotic environment and the soil substrates specific to each restoration site and informs seed management practices. In this paper we review seed trait data derived from research to improve restoration practice across diverse ecosystems within Western Australia. We compile and evaluate seed trait data for up to 300 seed collections of 287 species that are used in restoration programmes to identify species, lifeform, and region-specific variation in seed dormancy, maximum germination, germination speed, base water potential, and germination niche breadth. Through a synthesis of this data, we outline our ecologically-guided approach to identifying key seed traits that support plant regeneration to improve the success of seed-based restoration across the biodiverse Western Australian landscape.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)103-124
JournalSeed Science and Technology
Issue number1, Suppl.
Publication statusPublished - 2022


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