Identification and delineation of mining induced seismic responses

    Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

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    [Truncated] The phenomenon of seismicity is observed in many hard rock underground mines around the world. Seismic events pose a significant geotechnical challenge due to their potential to damage underground excavations. This translates to a risk to mining personnel, equipment, and infrastructure. The management of seismic hazard is an essential component in minimising the political, social, and economic risks associated with the mining industry.

    The effective management of seismic hazard is underpinned by a sufficient understanding of the magnitude, spatial, and temporal characteristics of seismicity. Characteristics of seismicity are controlled by causative seismic source mechanisms that are associated with features such as rock mass stress and strength, excavations, geology, and geological features. The spatial dependency of seismic source mechanisms results in the spatial clustering of seismicity. The temporal traits of seismicity are ambiguously related to causative seismic source mechanisms. Temporal characteristics of event occurrence are generalised as time-dependent (seismic responses) or time-independent (background seismicity). Seismic responses are commonly observed following large events or routine blasting and comprise of time-dependent events that are spatially clustered.

    The numerous interrelated factors that influence seismic event occurrence make it difficult to establish cause and effect correlations, and increase the importance of being able to quantify the spatial and temporal characteristics of seismicity. Developing the methods used to assess seismic characteristics improves the management of seismic hazard through an enhanced understanding of rock mass responses to mining and enables the quantification of seismic hazard. This thesis contributes a method of assessing spatial and temporal characteristics of seismicity through the identification and delineation of individual seismic responses. The methods and concepts established in this thesis enable improvements to be made to the management of seismic hazard.
    Original languageEnglish
    QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
    • Wesseloo, Johan, Supervisor
    • Potvin, Yves, Supervisor
    Publication statusUnpublished - 2015


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