
Layal Chaker, David S. Cooper, John P. Walsh, Robin P. Peeters

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Thyrotoxicosis causes a variety of symptoms and adverse health outcomes. Hyperthyroidism refers to increased thyroid hormone synthesis and secretion, most commonly from Graves' disease or toxic nodular goitre, whereas thyroiditis (typically autoimmune, viral, or drug induced) causes thyrotoxicosis without hyperthyroidism. The diagnosis is based on suppressed serum concentrations of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), accompanied by free thyroxine and total or free tri-iodothyronine concentrations, which are raised (overt hyperthyroidism) or within range (subclinical hyperthyroidism). The underlying cause is determined by clinical assessment, detection of TSH-receptor antibodies and, if necessary, radionuclide thyroid scintigraphy. Treatment options for hyperthyroidism include antithyroid drugs, radioactive iodine, and thyroidectomy, whereas thyroiditis is managed symptomatically or with glucocorticoid therapy. In Graves' disease, first-line treatment is a 12–18-month course of antithyroid drugs, whereas for goitre, radioactive iodine or surgery are preferred for toxic nodules or goitres. Evidence also supports long-term treatment with antithyroid drugs as an option for patients with Graves' disease and toxic nodular goitre.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)768-780
Number of pages13
JournalThe Lancet
Issue number10428
Early online dateJan 2024
Publication statusPublished - 24 Feb 2024


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