Hormones and reproductive cycles in turtles

Gerald Kuchling, David W. Owens, Gaëlle Blanvillain

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference paperChapterpeer-review


Reproductive cycles of cryptodire turtles and species from the Northern Hemisphere have been investigated extensively compared to those from the Southern Hemisphere particularly of pleurodire species. Radiography, laparoscopy, and ultrasonography have been used on a few species of turtles to describe a diversity of ovarian and testicular cycles. Radioimmunoassays (RIAs), on the other hand, have provided evidence of the dynamic cycling of peptides and steroid hormones within a reproductive season. All turtles appear to be cyclic breeders, at least at the level of individuals (year-round breeding can occur in some populations), and show a range of annual and multiannual reproductive patterns—regulated by nutritional status and environmental conditions—which are most often described as prenuptial or postnuptial. These cycles may be seasonally coordinated by an active pineal gland in the brain via melatonin secretion affecting the hypothalamus. Moreover, the steroid hormone cycles can be rapid and dynamic, and steroid hormones stimulate a carefully orchestrated mating receptivity period, a series of rapid ovulations in the case of multiclutched turtles, egg production, and oviposition events.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationHormones and Reproduction of Vertebrates
Subtitle of host publicationReptiles
EditorsDavid O. Norris, Kristin H. Lopez
PublisherAcademic Press
Number of pages29
ISBN (Electronic)9780443160233
ISBN (Print)9780443160226
Publication statusPublished - 2024

Publication series

NameHormones and Reproduction of Vertebrates
PublisherAcademic Press


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