Heart Foundation Walk Wise Healthy Active Ageing Rapid Evidence Review and Checklist

Loretta Baldassar, Mariana Teresa Atkins

Research output: Book/ReportOther output

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Healthy Active Ageing understands that ageing affects all ages across the life-course, and preparing for Australia’s increasingly ageing population requires planning and a focus on health promotion and disease prevention across the life-course. Physical activity is critical to maintain people’s physical, social, mental and quality of life as they age. Keeping people physically active as they age requires appropriate environmental and social support, including walkable communities and accessible outdoor spaces that facilitate social engagement.

The Healthy Active Ageing framework, presented in this Rapid Evidence Review, recognises that ageing is a process that affects all ages across the life-course, and highlights the critical importance of physical activity for the health and wellbeing of older people. It emphasises the importance of social engagement in providing the motivation to maintain healthy levels of physical activity and identifies the key design features needed to facilitate both the physical activity and social engagement required to support the highest possible quality of life for older people.

This Rapid Evidence Review was commissioned by the Heart Foundation to inform the development of the Healthy Active Ageing Module for the Healthy Active by Design website. This module contains a range of practical information and resources, to inform healthy active age-friendly policy and practice. The Healthy Active Ageing Checklist is included in this report within the Appendix as a practical resource to complement the evidence base within this report.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationPerth, Australia
PublisherThe University of Western Australia
Commissioning bodyThe Heart Foundation
Number of pages72
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2020


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