Growth, sexual development and carcass composition in intact and surgically or hormonally gonadectomised male and female emus

K.M. Williams, Dominique Blache, Irek Malecki, P.J. Sharp, T.E. Trigg, R.D.G. Rigby, Graeme Martin

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference paperConference paperpeer-review

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2nd International Ratite Congress: Ratites in a Competitive World
EditorsF.W. Huchzermeyer
Place of PublicationOudtshoorn, South Africa
PublisherInternational Scientific Ratite Congress Committee
EditionOudtshoorn, South Africa
Publication statusPublished - 1998
EventGrowth, sexual development and carcass composition in intact and surgically or hormonally gonadectomised male and female emus - Oudtshoorn, South Africa
Duration: 1 Jan 1998 → …


ConferenceGrowth, sexual development and carcass composition in intact and surgically or hormonally gonadectomised male and female emus
Period1/01/98 → …

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