Geographic accessibility to physiotherapy care in Aotearoa New Zealand

Miranda Buhler, Tayyab Shah, Meredith Perry, Marc Tennant, Estie Kruger, Stephan Milosavljevic

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Disparities in care access for health conditions where physiotherapy can play a major role are abetting health inequities. Spatial analyses can contribute to illuminating inequities in health yet the geographic accessibility to physiotherapy care across New Zealand has not been examined. This population-based study evaluated the accessibility of the New Zealand physiotherapy workforce relative to the population at a local scale. The locations of 5,582 physiotherapists were geocoded and integrated with 2018 Census data to generate 'accessibility scores' for each Statistical Area 2 using the newer 3-step floating catchment area method. For examining the spatial distribution and mapping, accessibility scores were categorized into seven levels, centered around 0.5 SD above and below the mean. New Zealand has an above-average physiotherapy-to-population ratio compared with other OECD countries; however, this workforce is maldistributed. This study identified areas (and locations) where geographic accessibility to physiotherapy care is relatively low.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100656
JournalSpatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2024


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