From guidelines to practice: A retrospective clinical cohort study investigating implementation of the early detection guidelines for cerebral palsy in a state-wide early intervention service

Group EI at-risk CP Team, Sue Anne Davidson, Roslyn Ward, Catherine Elliott, Courtenay Harris, Natasha Bear, Ashleigh Thornton, Alison Salt, Jane Valentine

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4 Citations (Scopus)


OBJECTIVES: To report on knowledge translation strategies and outcomes from the implementation of the early detection guidelines for cerebral palsy (CP) in a state-wide tertiary early intervention (EI) service and investigate the impact of social determinants on clinical services. DESIGN: Retrospective longitudinal cohort study. SETTING: The Western Australia tertiary paediatric EI service. PARTICIPANTS: EI clinicians, consumers and children using the EI service. OUTCOME MEASURES: Knowledge translation strategies including consumer perspectives, clinician training and Communities of Practice (CoP) guided implementation. We measured changes in referral number and age, delivery of early detection and intervention following the implementation of the guidelines. Exposure to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), appointment non-attendance (DNA) rates, remoteness and socioeconomic quintiles were used to measure social determinants of health using negative binomial (Incidence Rate Ratios, IRR) and logistic regression (Odds Ratios, ORs). RESULTS: Ten consumers participated in Focus Groups, 100 clinicians were trained and 22 clinicians established a monthly CoP. Referrals increased fourfold to 511 children. Corrected gestational age at referral decreased from a median of 16.1 to 5.1 months (p
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere063296
Pages (from-to)e063296
JournalBMJ Open
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 25 Nov 2022


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