Florabank Guidelines Module 13 - Nursery Propagation of Tubestock and Restoration Planting

Shane Turner, Eric Bunn, Kerryn Chia, Wolfgang Lewandrowski, Amanda Shade, Mark Viler, Paul Gibson-Roy, Carole Elliott

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Using native seed and other plant propagules is a common and significant practice to produce nursery-grown tubestock for use in restoration (Corr 2003). This chapter focuses on the effective use of seed and other plant propagules and includes guidance on practical propagation approaches for the production of plants, the use of seeds in a horticultural setting, general seed sowing techniques and the horticultural maintenance of seedlings and young plants as they transition to restoration ready tubestock. For large-scale restoration, seed is by far the major raw material used in restoration due to the relatively low costs and quick results of direct seeding in comparison to other methods like the planting of tubestock (Ede et al. 2018). However, seeds can be expensive to purchase and may also be limited in availability for many species (Merritt & Dixon 2011; Palma & Laurance 2015) so in some circumstances, seeds may be better used for the production of nursery tubestock rather than in direct seeding. The following sections outline various approaches and requirements to support the efficient production of plants under horticultural conditions for use in restoration programs across Australia
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication‘Florabank Guidelines – best practice guidelines for native seedcollection and use (2nd edn)
EditorsLucy Commander
PublisherFlorabank Consortium: Australia
Publication statusPublished - 2021


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