flâneur treadmill

Chris Arnold (Developer), David Thomas Henry Wright

Research output: Non-traditional research outputRecorded/rendered creative workpeer-review


This appropriative digital poem is composed solely of vocabulary taken from Walter Benjamin’s ‘The Flâneur’ from Charles Baudelaire: A Lyric Poet in the Era of High Capitalism (1969, trans: Harry Zohn, Verso: London, pp 35–66), and 'Work Up A Sweat With 10 Of The Best Treadmills for Home Use’ by Dave Johnson for Forbes, May 13, 2021 (www.forbes.com/sites/forbes-personal-shopper/2021/05/13/besttreadmills/?sh=3371a0d910d0). The flâneur is an urban wonderer/wanderer: one who strolls and observes society. Walter Benjamin regularly returned to the figure of the flâneur as a way of interrogating modern life's impact on the individual. This poem attempts to do likewise, by injecting Benjamin's own interrogations with contemporary culture as represented by the non-wandering of COVID-19 society and a treadmill form, in which streets are quieter and urban flâneurs are not able to exist in the form they previously occupied.
Original languageEnglish
EditionTaper #7: Wonders, Fall 2021
Media of outputOnline
Size2039 bytes
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2021


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