Ficto/critical strategies: subverting textual practices of meaning, other, and self-formation

Gerrit Haas

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

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This dissertation theorises the textual conduct of ficto/criticism, which inextricably intersects aesthetics with poetics and ethics. Part One re-conceives of ficto/criticism to capture both its genre-resisting impetus and wider discursive motivations. Part Two retraces how the intersection of aesthetics and poetics shifts perspective towards the meta-generic in Stephen Muecke's "The Fall." Part Three defines ficto/critical strategies as traitorous and apotropaic - e.g. via Michael Taussig's "The Corn-Wolf." Part Four retraces how the further intersection of aesthetics and ethics gains unprecedented edge in Gail Jones' 'Thaumatropes" and Katrina Schlunke's Bluff Rock. Ficto/criticism is thus qualified as an interventionist aesthetic of deconstruction.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
  • The University of Western Australia
Publication statusUnpublished - Apr 2014


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