Factors affecting the adoption of shared mobility systems: Evidence from Australia

Ferry Jie, Craig Standing, Sharon Biermann, Susan Standing, Thi Le

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

31 Citations (Scopus)


The purpose of this paper is to examine the current impact and potential of the various forms of shared mobility, with a focus the shire of Wanneroo in Western Australia. Shared mobility options included in the study are car-pooling, ride-sourcing, car-sharing and bike-sharing. Residents of Wanneroo were asked about their use of shared mobility, their intended behaviour in the future, their views on the benefits, barriers to adoption, and their shared mobility use in travel to/from rail stations. Results show that a significant percentage of respondents had used shared mobility options, and the primary use of shared mobility was for social activities and secondly, work-related activities; a higher percentage of respondents said they were positive about shared mobility and would use it in the future. The findings indicate that gender is the most important driver to predict whether an individual will or will not use shared mobility. Employment status, annual income, attitude towards benefits of shared mobility, the capability to access shared mobility, and reasons for shared mobility have a positive correlation to the possibility of shared mobility use. Finally, the study reports that respondents are positive about the use of shared mobility options for travelling to and from the rail station.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100651
JournalResearch in Transportation Business and Management
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2021


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