Examining correlates of self-reported and objectively measured physical activity among retirement village residents

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Physical activity (PA) patterns of retirement village residents were investigated using self-report and objective measures.
Residents (n = 323) from retirement villages in Perth, Australia, were surveyed on PA behaviour and various demographic, residency, health-related and mobility factors. Most participants wore accelerometers for 7 days. Retirement village managers (n = 32) were surveyed on village descriptive characteristics, including the provision of amenities and facilities. Logistic regression models examined village and resident characteristics associated with PA.
Based on objective measurement, only 27.1% of participants were sufficiently active (n = 288). Walking was one of the most popular PA modes. Few village characteristics were associated with PA; however, villages located in more walkable neighbourhoods increased participants’ odds of transport walking. Travelling outside the village daily also increased PA odds.
Most residents were insufficiently active to gain health benefits. Considering individual and environmental factors, within the retirement village and neighbourhood settings, and associations with PA, warrants attention.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)250-256
JournalAustralasian Journal on Ageing
Issue number4
Early online date16 Sept 2013
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2014


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