Evaluation of the Indonesian scholastic aptitude test according to the Rasch Model and its paradigm

Asrijanty Asril

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

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[Truncated abstract] This study evaluates a high stakes test, the Indonesian Scholastic Aptitude Test (ISAT) from the perspectives of the Rasch model and its paradigm. This test has been developed by the Center for Educational Assessment (CEA) in Jakarta and has been used as one of the admission tests for undergraduate and postgraduate levels of study in some public universities in Indonesia. The CEA has formed a bank of items which is used to construct different sets of items for different purposes. For this study the data from two different sets of items from the item bank, one administered to students for undergraduate entry, and one for postgraduate entry, were available for analysis. Each test consists of three subtests, called Verbal, Quantitative, and Reasoning, to reflect the capacities they are intended to assess. Firstly, this study examines the internal structure of the subtests by applying the Rasch model and its paradigm. Secondly, this study examines the stability of item bank parameters for the items of the subtests. Thirdly, the predictive validity of the test is examined. The Rasch model can be applied as primarily a statistical model used to model data. However, its use in this thesis goes beyond this narrow focus: rather the Rasch paradigm is used as a framework for the whole study. The case for the model is that the comparisons among persons are invariant with respect to which items are used from a class of relevant items, and that the comparisons among items are invariant with respect to the class of persons. These invariance properties are independent of any particular data set.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Publication statusUnpublished - 2011


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