Evaluating Dentists' Understanding of Dry Mouth Management: An International Cross-Sectional Study

Anas B Alsalhani, Mohammad Zakaria Nassani, Mohammed Noushad, Bassel Tarakji, Samer Rastam, Azza Sioufi, Basem Sabbagh, Salah A Yousief, Abdulaziz Binrayes, Mudassir Hussain, Mohammed Arshad, Tahsinul Haque, Fatema Akhter, Shamil Fayis, Rami Taher Mousa, Mowaffak Adi, Omar Kujan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Objective: Studying dentists' knowledge of dry mouth management is crucial for effective diagnosis and treatment, improving patient outcomes and oral health. This study aimed to evaluate their knowledge and awareness of dry mouth and its predictors. Materials and Methods: A pre-validated online survey was administered to a convenience sample of dentists across six countries. The questionnaire evaluated knowledge in various domains, including predisposing factors, diagnosis, clinical signs and symptoms, and management of dry mouth. Results: A total of 884 dentists participated. Knowledge and awareness of dry mouth management varied significantly between countries (p < 0.05). Overall, 34.3% of participants demonstrated good knowledge, while 53.7% had moderate knowledge. Regarding management awareness, 55.4% had good awareness and 35.5% had moderate awareness. A majority (69.2%) showed good knowledge of common signs, symptoms, and consequences of dry mouth. Significant predictors of better knowledge and awareness included the country of practice and attendance at continuing education courses on dry mouth. Conclusion: The findings suggest that dentists in the surveyed countries require improved education on dry mouth and its management. Dental educators and healthcare planners can use this data to design targeted continuing education activities to enhance knowledge and awareness of dry mouth.

Original languageEnglish
JournalOral Diseases
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 3 Nov 2024


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