Estimation of population sizes and logistic growth curves of the Chuditch in Batalling and Julimar from capture-recapture data

Thi Hanh Nguyen

    Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis

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    Long term capture-recapture data were analyzed to determine whether there was a significant increase in Chuditch numbers at Batalling and Julimar Forests during the last decade. The Jolly Seber method was employed to estimate the abundance of these open populations. The contingency table chi-square tests in POPAN5 indicated that the equal catchability assumption was violated (P0.05), our expectation that both populations were growing was not supported. In addition, due to the poor fit of the logistic equation to our data, caution in the interpretation estimates of rand K was warranted. Nevertheless, our findings provided information on the performance of two representative populations in the Jarrah forest several generations after their reestablishment and protection through fox baiting.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusUnpublished - 2004


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