Endothermic force generation, temperature-jump experiments and effects of increased [MgADP] in rabbit psoas muscle fibres

M.E. Coupland, Gavin Pinniger, K.W. Ranatunga

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    21 Citations (Scopus)


    We studied, by experiment and by kinetic modelling, the characteristics of the force increase on heating (endothermic force) in muscle. Experiments were done on maximally Ca2+-activated, permeabilized, single fibres (length ∼2 mm; sarcomere length, 2.5 μm) from rabbit psoas muscle; [MgATP] was 4.6 mm, pH 7.1 and ionic strength was 200 mm. A small-amplitude (∼3°C) rapid laser temperature-jump (0.2 ms T-jump) at 8–9°C induced a tension rise to a new steady state and it consisted of two (fast and slow) exponential components. The T-jump-induced tension rise became slower as [MgADP] was increased, with half-maximal effect at 0.5 mm[MgADP]; the pre- and post-T-jump tension increased ∼20% with 4 mm added [MgADP]. As determined by the tension change to small, rapid length steps (
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)471-492
    JournalThe Journal of Physiology
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 2005


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