Elevated litterfall phosphorus reduces litter and soil organic matter pools in exotic-dominated novel forests in Singapore

Aloysius Teo, Theodore A. Evans, Ryan A. Chisholm

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The estimation of leaf litter turnover is often limited to early-stage decomposition using unrepresentative models and litter types. In tropical secondary forests, particularly exotic-dominated novel forests, the characterisation of litter turnover remains poor. This study estimated the annual turnover of in-situ leaf litter across four forest successional types in Singapore using a Weibull residence time model. Litter turnover and nutrient dynamics diverged between young secondary and old-growth forests. In particular, within novel forests, annual phosphorus return via leaf litterfall was three times that of primary forests, while the mass loss of in-situ leaf litter was highest among all forest successional types, estimated at 92.8% annually with a mean residence time of 176 days, resulting in a litter pool size a third that of primary forests. Our findings suggest that tree species composition and species-specific effects shaped the observed variations in litter turnover and nutrient dynamics across forest successional types and forest stands, whereas tree species richness, canopy structure, soil nutrient levels, and microclimate were found to be non-predictors. Taken together, our study provides an insight into litter turnover in human-modified tropical landscapes increasingly characterised by novel forests, potentially leading to a reduction in surface litter and soil organic carbon pools.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere4
Number of pages14
JournalJournal of Tropical Ecology
Early online date12 Feb 2024
Publication statusPublished - 2024


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