Effect of seaweed canopy disturbance on understory microbial communities on rocky shores

Sebastian Vadillo Gonzalez, George Wood, Hui Yi Regine Tiong, Kim Lema, Mariana Mayer-Pinto, Federico M. Lauro, Staffan Kjelleberg, Fabio Bulleri, Peter Steinberg, Ezequiel M. Marzinelli

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Introduction: The collapse of macroalgal habitats is altering the structure of
benthic communities on rocky shores globally. Nonetheless, how the loss of
canopy-forming macroalgae influences the structure of epilithic microbial
communities is yet to be explored.

Methods: Here, we used experimental field manipulations and 16S-rRNA-gene
amplicon sequencing to determine the effects of macroalgal loss on the
understory bacterial communities and their relationship with epiphytic bacteria
on macroalgae. Beds of the fucoid Hormosira banksii were exposed to different
levels of disturbance resulting in five treatments: (i) 100% removal of Hormosira
individuals, (ii) 50% removal, (iii) no removal, (iv) a procedural control that
mimicked the removal process, but no Hormosira was removed and (v)
adjacent bare rock. Canopy cover, bacterial communities (epilithic and
epiphytic) and benthic macroorganisms were monitored for 16 months.

Results: Results showed that reductions in canopy cover rapidly altered
understory bacterial diversity and composition. Hormosira canopies in 50%
and 100% removal plots showed signs of recovery over time, but understory
epilithic bacterial communities remained distinct throughout the experiment in
plots that experienced full Hormosira removal. Changes in bacterial communities
were not related to changes in other benthic macroorganisms.

Discussion: These results demonstrate that understory epilithic bacterial
communities respond rapidly to environmental disturbances at small scales
and these changes can be long-lasting. A deeper knowledge of the ecological
role of understory epilithic microbial communities is needed to better
understand potential cascading effects of disturbances on the functioning of
macroalgal-dominated systems.
Original languageEnglish
Article number1264797
Number of pages13
JournalFrontiers in Marine Science
Publication statusPublished - 20 Nov 2023


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