Effect of Orthognathic Surgery On Pulp Blood Flow and Pulp Sensibility: A Prospective Control Trial

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1 Citation (Scopus)


Introduction: Orthognathic surgery has the potential to compromise the vitality of the teeth. This paper aims to assess changes in pulp blood flow (PBF) and pulp sensibility (PS) of the anterior dentition following orthognathic surgery and to assess the influence of the proximity of the surgical osteotomy on the PBF and/or PS. Methods: Twenty-six patients undergoing orthognathic surgery (Le Fort I or bilateral sagittal split osteotomy [BSSO]) were compared to sixteen control patients treated by fixed appliances only using Laser Doppler flowmeter (LDF) and thermal testing (CO2 snow). Surgery patients were tested at T1 (presurgery), T2 (4-5 weeks postsurgery), T3 (3 months postsurgery), and T4 (6 months postsurgery). Control patients were tested at T1 (pretreatment), T2 (6 months posttreatment), T3 (12 months posttreatment), and T4 (18 months posttreatment). Differences between the maxilla and mandible were assessed. Results: No differences in PBF or PS were recorded in the control group. In the surgery group, both jaws followed the same pattern after surgery, an initial decrease at T2 followed by a gradual recovery to pretreatment PBF levels with no significant difference between T1 versus T4 in both jaws. No difference in PBF was observed between the maxilla and mandible at any testing time interval. Conclusions and Clinical Implications: PBF and PS of the anterior dentition was severely affected immediately postsurgery, followed by a gradual increase to full recovery. This pattern of recovery was exhibited in both jaws. A negative sensibility response or discoloration should not be seen as an indication of irreversible ischemic pulp changes. Monitoring for at least 6 months or using LDF as a confirmatory test is required before any irreversible endodontic treatment is to be considered.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)758-765
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Endodontics
Issue number6
Early online date18 May 2024
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2024


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