Effect of heat treatment on internal stresses in PECVD SiN xHy thin films

Yimeng Yang, Yinong Liu, John M. Delf

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference paperConference paperpeer-review

    4 Citations (Scopus)


    This study investigated the effect of low-temperature heating on internal stresses of SiNx thin films prepared by plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition. It was found that films deposited at 473 K developed tensile stresses after heating in air to temperatures above 573 K. The stresses increased with increasing heating time and temperature. Heating to above 873 K was found to cause partial apparent relaxation of the tensile stresses and visible physical damages, in the form of circular cracks. Young's modulus and hardness of the annealed films were determined by means of nanoindentation method. It was found that both Young's modulus and hardness of the films increased after heating, and the increments also increased with increasing heating temperature. These observations imply that changes in chemical structure of the films have been induced by heating in air. These changes are attributed to out gassing of the films caused by the dissociation of hydrogen bonds.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the 2008 Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices, COMMAD'08
    Number of pages4
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2008
    Event2008 Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices, COMMAD'08 - Sydney, NSW, Australia
    Duration: 28 Jul 20081 Aug 2008

    Publication series

    NameConference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices, Proceedings, COMMAD


    Conference2008 Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices, COMMAD'08
    Abbreviated titleCOMMAD'08
    CitySydney, NSW


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