Eccentric Utilization Ratio: Effect of Sport and Phase of Training

M.R. Mcguigan, Tim Doyle, M. Newton, D.E. Edwards, S. Nimphius, R.U. Newton

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    150 Citations (Scopus)


    The eccentric utilization ratio (EUR), which is the ratio of countermovement jump (CMJ) to static jump (SJ) performance, has been suggested as a useful indicator of power performance in athletes. The purpose of the study was to compare the EUR of athletes from a variety of different sports and during different phases of training. A total of 142 athletes from rugby union, Australian Rules Football, soccer, softball, and field hockey were tested. Subjects performed both CMJ and SJ on a force plate integrated with a position transducer. The EUR was measured as the ratio of CMJ to SJ for jump height and peak power. The rugby union, Australian Rules Football, and hockey athletes were tested during off-season and preseason to provide EUR data during different phases of training. For men, EUR for soccer, Australian Rules Football, and rugby was greater than softball (effect size range, 0.83–0.92). For women, EUR for soccer was greater than field hockey and softball (0.86– 1.0). There was a significant difference between the jump height and peak power method for the Australian Rules Football, rugby, and field hockey tests conducted preseason (p <0.05). For field hockey, there was a significant increase in EUR from offseason to preseason. Athletes in sports such as soccer, rugby union, and Australian Rules Football appear to have higher EUR values, which reflects the greater reliance on stretch shortening activities in these sports. It does appear that EUR can be used to track changes in training with the values significantly increasing from off-season to preseason. The EUR provides the practitioner with information about the performance of athletes and appears to be sensitive to changes in the type of training being undertaken.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)992-095
    JournalJournal of Strength and Conditioning Research
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - 2006


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