Early-stage intracontinental rifting in the Neoproterozoic Centralian Superbasin: Systematic U–Pb and Lu–Hf isotopes in detrital and inherited zircons from the Yeneena Basin, northwest Australia

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Detrital zircons from different lithostratigraphic units of Supersequence 1 across the Neoproterozoic northwest Officer and Yeneena basins were investigated using LA-ICPMS U−Pb and Lu − Hf isotope analyses to understand the source of detritus and potential links to regional tectono-magmatic events, as well as the crustal evolution of the sedimentary sources terranes. All data show that Proterozoic detritus dominate the age spectra of samples from the Yeneena Basin and northwest Officer Basin, with signatures varying in the heights of peaks rather than the presence or absence of age groups in different formations. The Archean and Proterozoic ages overlap with known magmatic events in the Pilbara Craton, Fortescue Basin, Rudall Province, Capricorn Orogen, Musgrave Province, Madura Province, and the Coompana Province suggesting these terranes are possible sources of the detritus. The detrital zircon population of the samples have main age peaks in the range 1300 to 1000 Ma, suggesting magmatic rocks of the Rudall and Musgrave provinces are the main sources of detrital zircons, which can be differentiated by Hf signature. The distal Musgrave Province persistently dominates the provenance of detritus in the northwestern Officer and Yeneena basins, while detritus from the proximal Rudall Province contributes to a lesser extent. This suggests that the distal Musgrave Province remained emergent during the evolution of the northwestern Officer Basin and the Yeneena Basin, whereas the proximal Rudall Province potentially became buried by the accumulating sedimentary rocks and contributed less detrital zircons. The 833.6 ± 1.4 Ma maximum depositional age obtained in this study for the sedimentary rocks of the northwestern Officer and Yeneena basins point to the approximate time of the start of basins development. The extensional event in this age period is related to emplacement and extrusion of the ca. 830 Ma Willouran Large Igneous Province (LIP). The Duke gabbro sills observed in the Yeneena Basin are part of this LIP, which extends from the Adelaide Rift Complex, through the Musgrave Province, central–northwest Officer Basin and into the Yeneena Basin. The sediment source terranes suggest a southeast–northwest oriented depositional system between central and Western Australia, possibly because of intracontinental rifting related to widespread mafic–ultramafic magmatic events that could include the earlier Ngaanyatjarra Rift formed by the 1090–1040 Ma Warakurna LIP as well as the ca. 830 Ma Willouran LIP, synchronous with the breakup of Rodinia in the mid-Neoproterozoic.

Original languageEnglish
Article number107524
Number of pages21
JournalPrecambrian Research
Early online date30 Jul 2024
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2024


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