Draft genome sequence of subterranean clover, a reference for genus Trifolium

H. Hirakawa, Parwinder Kaur, K. Shirasawa, Phillip Nichols, S. Nagano, R. Appels, William Erskine, S.N. Isobe

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    29 Citations (Scopus)


    © The Author(s) 2016.Clovers (genus Trifolium) are widely cultivated across the world as forage legumes and make a large contribution to livestock feed production and soil improvement. Subterranean clover (T. subterraneum L.) is well suited for genomic and genetic studies as a reference species in the Trifolium genus, because it is an annual with a simple genome structure (autogamous and diploid), unlike the other economically important perennial forage clovers, red clover (T. pratense) and white clover (T. repens). This report represents the first draft genome sequence of subterranean clover. The 471.8 Mb assembled sequence covers 85.4% of the subterranean clover genome and contains 42,706 genes. Eight pseudomolecules of 401.1 Mb in length were constructed, based on a linkage map consisting of 35,341 SNPs. The comparative genomic analysis revealed that different clover chromosomes showed different degrees of conservation with other Papilionoideae species. These results provide a reference for genetic and genomic analyses in the genus Trifolium and new insights into evolutionary divergence in Papilionoideae species.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number30358
    Pages (from-to)1-9
    JournalScientific Reports
    Publication statusPublished - 22 Aug 2016


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