Drôle de drame : la volonté de symbiose entre théâtre et romans chez Yasmina Reza

Translated title of the contribution: Strange Drama: Striving for a Symbiosis between Yasmina Reza’s plays and novels

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Yasmina Reza a produit une oeuvre faite aussi bien de pièces de théâtre que de romans. D’après Denis Guénoun, en Reza, se retrouve un “dialogue complexe et conflictuel entre théâtre et roman”. Après avoir exploré les formes que prend ce dialogue, l'article propose de considérer les rapports entre textes de théâtre et texte romanesques plutôt comme une symbiose destinée à occuper tout le champ littéraire en abolissant les frontières génériques communes.

Yasmina Reza is the author of works as much theatre plays as they are novels. According to Denis Gu noun, what can be found in Reza is a "complex and conflictual dialogue between theatre and novel". After having explored the forms that this dialogue takes, this article proposes to consider the connections between theatrical texts and novelistic texts as a symbiosis designed to occupy the whole literary field by abolishing any common generic borders.
Translated title of the contributionStrange Drama: Striving for a Symbiosis between Yasmina Reza’s plays and novels
Original languageFrench
Pages (from-to)123-139
Number of pages17
JournalEssays in French Literature and Culture
Publication statusPublished - 2013


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