title = "Dr{\^o}le de drame : la volont{\'e} de symbiose entre th{\'e}{\^a}tre et romans chez Yasmina Reza",
abstract = "Yasmina Reza a produit une oeuvre faite aussi bien de pi{\`e}ces de th{\'e}{\^a}tre que de romans. D{\textquoteright}apr{\`e}s Denis Gu{\'e}noun, en Reza, se retrouve un “dialogue complexe et conflictuel entre th{\'e}{\^a}tre et roman”. Apr{\`e}s avoir explor{\'e} les formes que prend ce dialogue, l'article propose de consid{\'e}rer les rapports entre textes de th{\'e}{\^a}tre et texte romanesques plut{\^o}t comme une symbiose destin{\'e}e {\`a} occuper tout le champ litt{\'e}raire en abolissant les fronti{\`e}res g{\'e}n{\'e}riques communes. Yasmina Reza is the author of works as much theatre plays as they are novels. According to Denis Gu noun, what can be found in Reza is a {"}complex and conflictual dialogue between theatre and novel{"}. After having explored the forms that this dialogue takes, this article proposes to consider the connections between theatrical texts and novelistic texts as a symbiosis designed to occupy the whole literary field by abolishing any common generic borders.",
keywords = "Yasmina Reza, theatre performance, dramatic text",
author = "Helene Jaccomard",
year = "2013",
language = "French",
volume = "50",
pages = "123--139",
journal = "Essays in French Literature and Culture",
issn = "1835-7040",