Diversity of SMEs: A taxonomic approach in a French Region

Sophie Reboud, Thierry Serboff, Herve Goy, Timothy Mazzarol, Delwyn Clark

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference paperConference paperpeer-review


This paper examines a large database of small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Rhône-Alpes region around Lyon and Grenoble in south eastern France in order to develop taxonomy of these firms. Motivating this study is the enormous diversity found across SMEs, which makes it difficult to create reliable definitions for them. This is a problem for small business research because inadequate classification and definition makes measurement and comparison of data problematic. In keeping with taxonomic studies factor and cluster analysis were employed to generate the taxonomy. The purpose of the study is to generate a number of SME archetypes so as to offer researchers and policy makers a more reliable system of classification of SMEs.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication30th ANZAM Conference
Subtitle of host publicationUnder new management: Innovating for sustainable and just futures
EditorsTim Bentley
PublisherAustralian and New Zealand Academy of Management
Publication statusPublished - 2016
Event30th Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management: Under new management: Innovating for sustainable and just futures - QUT Business School, Brisbane, Australia
Duration: 6 Dec 20169 Dec 2016
Conference number: 30


Conference30th Annual Conference of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management
Abbreviated titleANZAM 2016


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