Disentangling the magnetic field structure of sunspots-stereoscopic polarimetry with solar orbiter

D. A.N. Müller, R. Schlichenmaier, B. Fleck, G. Fritz

Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference paperConference paper


Sunspots exhibit complex, highly structured magnetic fields and flows. Disentangling the atmospheric structure of sunspots is a great challenge, and can only be achieved by the combination of spectropolarimetry at high spatial resolution and detailed modeling efforts. We use a generalized 3D model that embeds magnetic flux tubes in a stratified atmosphere and calculates the emerging polarization of spectral lines for arbitrary viewing angles. The resulting polarization maps are a very efficient tool to distinguish between different atmospheric scenarios and determine the 3D structure of the magnetic field and the flow field. In this contribution, we present synthetic maps of the net circular polarization (NCP) as a function of the heliocentric angle for different spectral lines of interest. Among those are the Fe I 617.3 run line which would be observed by the VIM instrument aboard Solar Orbiter and the Fe I 630.2 nm line which will be observed by Hinode (formerly known as Solar-B).

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the Second Solar Orbiter Workshop
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2006
Externally publishedYes
Event2nd Solar Orbiter Workshop - Athens, Greece
Duration: 16 Oct 200620 Oct 2006

Publication series

NameEuropean Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP
ISSN (Print)0379-6566


Conference2nd Solar Orbiter Workshop


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