Design WA Stage One Rollout Strategy: A report reviewing and further developing the strategy for implementation of the Stage One policy of the Design WA state planning initiative

Anthony Duckworth-Smith, Neil Weeks (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportOther outputpeer-review


The evolution of planning policies in modern cities to sustain and improve living conditions has a long history. Design WA, developed with considerable industry engagement and support, acknowledges the importance of design practice in meeting the human needs of the 21st Century city, through design principles and criteria which address the performance of residential environments in Western Australia.
This report develops a method for analysing and facilitating the implementation of policy which is then applied specifically to the draft Apartment Design Policy,
the proposed first operational policy initiative of Design WA. It has been undertaken with a distinct appreciation of the industry specific learning contexts of the priority stakeholders that have been identified. The outcome is a
framework for implementation which allows all of those involved in the development process to continuously and collectively develop their knowledge and capacity to engage with design practice, to contribute to a legacy of quality in our built environment and the quality of life this stands for.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationPerth
PublisherAustralian Urban Design Research Centre AUDRC
Commissioning bodyGovernment of Western Australia
Number of pages41
ISBN (Print)9780648307037
Publication statusPublished - 2018


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