Depth distribution of the bigeye hound shark Iago omanensis and other deep-sea species observed by baited-camera in the Red Sea

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3 Citations (Scopus)


The Red Sea is a largely homogeneous water column beyond the top 300 m, unique in exhibiting warm bottom water (~21.5 °C) at depths down to ~2900 m. The unusual conditions coupled with barriers to colonization by primary deep-sea species has resulted in an impoverished but distinct deep fauna. This study presents a rare investigation of the deep Red Sea. The bigeye hound shark Iago omanensis is a known deep-sea shark in the Red Sea. However, its full depth distribution has never been conclusively studied. Here, we confirm with videographic evidence the presence of I. omanensis at depths to 2522 m in the Red Sea, along with observations of other deep-sea species. Iago omanensis was the only species of scavenging fish observed and only in moderate numbers. The additional six species were mostly crustacea in low abundance. The lack of scavenging species present in the deep Red Sea is likely explained by the low productivity of the overlying surface waters and unusually warm water temperature resulting in low energetic input but high metabolic demands in deep communities.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberA95
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom
Publication statusPublished - 24 Jan 2023


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