Defining and enabling scholarship of teaching, learning and employability (SoTLE) through a multi-institution faculty learning community

Shelley Kinash, Sally Male, Clare M Mouat, Dino Spagnoli, Kevin McDougall, Jasmine Thomas, Chloe Mortimer

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Seven people from four Australian universities (two regional and two research-intensive) formed a faculty learning community (FLC) on employability scholarship. The intersecting methodologies of autoethnography and of hermeneutic phenomenology were used to inquire into the form and substance of the FLC. The four new and novel knowledge outcomes were: (1) a definition of the Online FLC; (2) a definition of Scholarship of Teaching, Learning and Employability (SoTLE); (3) a SoTLE model explicating curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular employability; and (4) 11 key characteristics of the SoTLE FLC. As such, this research and the resulting article address the paucity of scholarship about FLCs of multi-institution practitioners and/or researchers in the context of employability. Implications are provided for both practice and research.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)81-103
JournalLearning Communities Journal
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2021


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