Cytokine delivery by peptide, a potential therapeutic target for atherosclerosis

Nasibah Azme

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis

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Atherosclerosis is a global health issue. Atherosclerotic plaques are hardened cholesterol deposits caused primarily by a continuous fibro-inflammatory process. Treatment strategies that specifically target plaque remain a major challenge. This thesis explores the use of a novel peptide, CSG, to specifically target fibrous plaques and establishes a biologic agent, TNFa-CSG,as a potent anti-atherosclerotic drug. CSG shows specific binding to fibrous plaque in ApoE-null mice and to human plaques. Treatment of aged ApoE-null mice, bearing advanced fibrous plaque lesions with TNFa-CSG caused significant reduction of plaque. The potential of TNFa-CSG as an anti-atherosclerotic agent should be developed further.
Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
  • The University of Western Australia
  • Hamzah, Juliana, Supervisor
  • Jansen, Shirley, Supervisor
  • Ganss, Ruth, Supervisor
  • Allan, Jane, Supervisor
Award date2 Sept 2019
Publication statusUnpublished - 2019

Embargo information

  • Embargoed from 10/09/2019 to 10/09/2022. Made publicly available on 10/09/2022.


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