Cuffed endotracheal tubes in neonates

Rebecca Thomas

    Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis

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    Cuffed erdotracheal tubes (ETTs) are being used with increasing frequency in the neonatal intensive care setting with limited evidence. This thesis presents a randomised trial of cuffed versus uncuffed ETTs in neonates to start to bring together scientific evidence for use. Four other parallel projects presented include: literature review; survey of current practice in Australia and New Zealand; review of incidence and risk factors for the development of subglottic stenosis in our institution; and use of cuffed ETTs in neonates less than 3kg. This thesis shows that the use of cuffed ETTs may be advantageous and safe to use in neonates greater than 3kg.
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • The University of Western Australia
    • Patole, Sanjay, Supervisor
    • Simmer, Karen, Supervisor
    • Minutillo, Corrado, Supervisor, External person
    Thesis sponsors
    Award date4 Jun 2019
    Publication statusUnpublished - 2018


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